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X-ray imaging equipment – Cost, benefits, types, and more

X-ray imaging equipment – Cost, benefits, types, and more

Efficient and accurate clinical diagnostics tools are crucial in the field of healthcare. Clinical X-ray imaging equipment has become an indispensable tool for diagnostics, and it’s hard to imagine the healthcare industry moving forward without it. However, purchasing orthopedic radiology X-ray imaging equipment can be overwhelming due to the wide range of machines available in the market. To simplify the process, here’s some key information related to X-ray imaging equipment:

Cost of clinical X-ray imaging equipment
X-ray machines involve several technologically advanced components to provide not just accurate image quality but also multiple dimensions of an image. These components make diagnosing complex health conditions like cancer and bone injuries much faster and simpler for healthcare professionals. A fast and accurate diagnosis of any disease is useful to treat ailing clients quickly in a hospital.

This means that clinical X-ray imaging equipment can be incredibly expensive to buy. Prices generally start at around $35,000 and tend to go up to $200,000 and more. The most expensive systems offer the fastest image processing times, making clinical diagnostics lightning-fast for doctors and patients.

Benefits of X-ray imaging equipment
Some of the main benefits of using X-ray imaging equipment are:

  • A quick identification of joint changes or damage
  • A quick and accurate diagnosis of cancer in patients
  • These machines are useful for performing accurate dental checks
  • Doctors can use X-ray imaging equipment to diagnose microscopic injuries in athletes

Types of X-ray machines
There are a plethora of options to choose from.

Fixed X-ray machines
As their name implies, these machines are confined to a single room in a hospital. Patients are taken to the room for clinical imaging and diagnostics. Once inside, patients are placed or held in positions in such a way that accurately capturing their internal images becomes easy. Fixed X-ray systems rely on large transformers that need to be built inside the walls of an X-ray room. These transformers are then connected to high-output power outlets.

These machines’ lack of mobility and high costs are compensated by their range of benefits. For example, the powerful transformer in these X-ray machines allows healthcare experts to easily perform cross-table studies for larger patients. The powerful imaging technology in these machines produces excellent-quality X-ray results. Also, fixed X-ray machines come with rotational movement. This quality, combined with the table’s range of motion in these machines, means that imaging technicians in hospitals can perform a wide variety of procedures. Fixed X-ray machines also have a range of uses in the realm of teaching and deep medical research.

Portable X-ray machines
These machines magnify the convenience aspect of clinical X-ray imaging. Portable X-ray equipment can be used in a multitude of settings, including nursing homes, hospitals, and patients’ homes. This versatility makes portable X-ray machines a key component of remote healthcare, where doctors and X-ray technicians get quality internal images of patients who cannot be physically taken to hospitals or radiology centers.

These portable machines are small, lightweight, and relatively inexpensive compared to fixed X-ray machines. Moreover, their mobility and technology make them highly compatible with other devices. For example, portable X-ray machines can send images to laptops, making it easier for technicians to send X-ray images between facilities.

Fluoroscopy X-ray machines
These machines show real-time, continuous images of movement and internal bodily activity in patients. Healthcare experts and X-ray technicians can see these real-time images inside patients’ bodies in detail as the live feed is transmitted to a connected monitor. Hospitals generally use fluoroscopy systems to position catheters or pacemakers in patients accurately. These machines are also used to track orthopedic implants made during a surgical procedure. Another one of its uses includes the viewing of blood contrast agents when they are intravenously administered in patients before MRI scans.

C-arm X-ray machines
C-arm systems are mobile fluoroscopy systems commonly used in operating theaters. These imaging systems are used for pain management in patients. Essentially, these systems can provide live images of a patient’s body. Based on those images, doctors and X-ray technicians can pinpoint what exactly is causing the pain. C-arm systems consist of a C-shaped arm with a detector and an X-ray source.

R/F X-ray machines
These machines integrate fluoroscopy and radiography to optimize clinical operations and diagnostics. As a result, R/F systems can greatly increase medical productivity. The machine consists of a wall stand and a ceiling suspension X-ray tube, along with the fluoroscopy system and imaging tools used for general radiography.

Factors to consider while buying X-ray imaging equipment
While large hospitals and clinics can afford to purchase custom-built clinical X-ray imaging equipment, smaller ones will need to purchase it from suppliers and retailers. Here are some things to never forget while purchasing X-ray equipment:

  • Accuracy and precision
    Clinical X-ray imaging equipment needs to be hyper-accurate when producing images of the internal parts of a patient’s body. The imaging results must be accurate and precise, with only a ±5% scale variation on diagnostic tests being acceptable as per the healthcare industry standard.
  • Safety levels
    A patient’s safety is any healthcare institute’s biggest priority. So, they must purchase X-ray machines that produce lower levels of radiation and, thereby, do not cause any harm to a patient’s body during diagnostic scans.
    Apart from patient safety, hospital staff and technician safety is also critical for healthcare centers. Technicians work all year round with these machines, so they get exposed to large amounts of radiation, too. Hospitals must provide them with safety equipment and complementary kits to prevent the repercussions of prolonged exposure to radiation.
  • Reputed manufacturer
    Purchasing equipment from a reputed manufacturer is a wise course of action for hospitals. Machines made by reputed manufacturers come equipped with a robust support team and reliable equipment performance. Additionally, reputed manufacturers offer good and reliable after-sales customer service.