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Top Foods to Manage EoE Symptoms

Top Foods to Manage EoE Symptoms

Eosinophilic esophagitis is a chronic inflammatory condition affecting children and adults. It occurs due to inflammation of the esophagus, which leads to issues in contraction. In some cases, the esophagus may also become narrower and develop abscesses. Nausea, vomiting, heartburn, stomach pain, difficulty swallowing, and food getting caught in the esophagus are some of the symptoms. Read on to know more about this condition and which foods can help manage the symptoms.

What You Must Know About Eosinophilic Esophagitis
Eosinophilic esophagitis (EoE) has become one of the most common esophageal and reflux diseases. When a person has EoE, white blood cells known as eosinophils accumulate or overcrowd the esophagus, causing pain and inflammation. Though eosinophils are meant to protect us from infection, if there are too many and they begin to collect in the wrong places, it causes problems.

Allergies, infections, and diseases like inflammatory bowel disease, vasculitis, sarcoidosis, some types of blood cancers, and autoimmune myocarditis can lead to the overcrowding of eosinophils. If one finds it difficult to swallow food or if it frequently gets stuck in the throat, it could indicate EoE. Family history and genetic changes can also lead to an increase in the number of eosinophils.

Doctors perform a thorough physical examination and tests like GI endoscopy, biopsy, and blood examinations to diagnose and confirm EoE. Once they have a clear diagnosis, they prescribe certain treatments to control the inflammation. Nutrition also plays an important role. One must try eliminating certain foods to see how the body reacts. If there is no improvement, they may use a procedure called dilation, where they stretch the esophagus to make swallowing easier.

Foods That Help Manage EoE
While choosing the right food for managing EoE, it is important to understand the triggers. People with EoE may also have food allergies; eliminating such trigger foods is crucial in preventing inflammation. Paying attention to what one eats is necessary as symptoms of EoE may be delayed. While one food may be causing the symptoms in some individuals, many others may be allergic to foods like milk, eggs, peanuts, fish, shellfish, soy, or corn. Eliminating these foods is crucial for reducing the risk of EoE. Doctors recommend 6-food, 4-food, and 2-food elimination plans to understand the specific foods that can cause EoE. They also recommend safe and nourishing alternatives to potential food allergens.

While preparing a meal for a person with EoE, it is critical to read the labels. Check the ingredients thoroughly and look for potential allergens that could trigger symptoms. For example, if one is allergic to gluten, gluten-free oats can be an alternative. One should always check with their doctor and nutritionist before attempting to try new foods to understand possible complications. Listed below are some foods that can help manage EoE symptoms.

Oat Milk
It is one of the healthier alternatives to cow’s milk as it has protein, fiber, and healthy fats that are safe for EoE. One should assess the product labels and look for gluten-free options. Oat milk can also be prepared at home by blending gluten free oats and water and straining the mixture.

Pea Milk
Pea milk is made from protein from yellow peas and is safe for people with allergies and EoE. It is high in protein, has more calcium than cow’s milk, and is more nutritious when compared with other plant-based milk alternatives.

Coconut Milk
Though it may not be an ideal alternative to cow’s milk for coffee or tea, coconut milk can be used while preparing desserts. You can use one cup of coconut milk instead of one cup of whole milk. Fresh coconut milk contains nutrients like calcium, potassium, and magnesium.

This is a superfood one cannot miss out on. It is gluten-free and packed with antioxidants, zinc, and fiber. Quinoa has compounds called quercetin and kaempferol, which have anti-inflammatory properties that help fight EoE symptoms.

Aloe Vera
It is full of anti-inflammatory properties. It can also prevent reflux and regurgitation, which are common symptoms of EoE. One can grow the plant at home, and can even eat fresh aloe gel for maximum benefit. Store-bought gels are another alternative, but one must ensure they do not contain added preservatives that may trigger allergic reactions. Aloe vera can be added to curries, stews, mocktails, and soups to create tasty and EoE friendly recipes.

Probiotics are both gut friendly and can ease inflammation. One should avoid yogurt or buttermilk and instead opt for other fermented products like kefir, kombucha, kimchi, miso, and pickles.

Flax Seeds
Though some seeds are not recommended for those with EoE, flax seeds are safe as they are rich in antioxidants and have anti-inflammatory properties. One can use flax seeds and flax seed powder in their daily meals. Additionally, flax seeds can be used to make mayo and even while baking. Toasted flax seeds can provide that extra taste and nutrition to salads.

It is important to keep in mind that a list of good and bad foods for EoE does not exist. Every case is different. Foods that cause allergies in some people may be safe for others. That is why elimination and targeted methods of nutrition play a crucial role in identifying the right food for a person with EoE. In general, one should avoid foods that are difficult to swallow. It’s also advisable to stay away from fried food, condiments, chocolate, caffeine, mint, and onions, as these foods are known to trigger heartburn and acid reflux. In addition to foods, one can use certain management techniques for EoE. One should sleep with their head elevated. Those with higher BMI may experience more acid reflux as the stomach may cause acid to go back into the esophagus.