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Nasal Polyps – Symptoms, Triggers, and Management

Nasal Polyps – Symptoms, Triggers, and Management

Nasal Polyps are a significantly underrated problem. Most people only experience minor symptoms, so the polyps are often left untreated until they cause more problems. This article will look at the triggers, symptoms, and management of nasal polyps in more detail. We will start by looking at nasal polyps and what causes them. Finally, we will look at the best ways to treat nasal polyps to ensure that one gets rid of them quickly and safely.

What are nasal polyps?
Nasal polyps are benign growths on the nasal septum, the cartilage that separates one’s nose from the throat. They’re usually harmless but can cause problems if they block the nasal airway or make breathing difficult.

Symptoms of nasal polyps
Following are some symptoms of nasal polyps:
Nasal polyps may cause headaches due to their enlarged blood vessels in the skull. The pressure from these enlarged vessels may cause pain behind one’s eyes or along the temples.

Snoring is often caused by an obstruction of airflow through the nose during sleep. This obstruction causes the throat to vibrate, producing a noise known as snoring.

Nasal congestion
When mucus accumulates in the nose due to blocked airflow, it can cause nasal congestion and an unpleasant smell called rhinorrhea (a discharge from the nose).

Nasal drainage
The enlarged polyp may block the flow of mucus and blood from the nose, leading to congestion and pressure in the head or sinuses.

Sleep apnea
Obstruction of airflow during sleep can lead to snoring, pauses in breathing, and fatigue during the day. This condition is more common among people with nasal polyps because they have an increased risk for obstructive sleep apnea syndrome (OSAS).

Facial pain
Polyps may press on nerve endings near facial muscles, causing pain when touched or moved around.

Nasal polyps can increase the risk of nosebleeds because they can enlarge the blood vessels in the nasal passage. This increased pressure causes more frequent bleeding from the nostrils.

Reduced smelling sense
Nasal polyps block the small airways near the nose that allow smells to enter the lungs. It’s unclear why this happens, but it may be related to the inflammation or infection caused by nasal polyps.

Reduced tasting sense
Nasal polyps may also interfere with nerve function in one’s tongue. The nerves send signals that control how much we savor flavors.

Causes of nasal polyps
Nasal polyps are a common problem that many different factors can trigger.

When people with asthma breathe in air containing allergens (e.g., dust mites), their immune system overreacts and produces inflammation in the nose and lungs, known as allergic rhinitis or hay fever. This inflammation can cause nasal polyps to form if it persists over time.

People with cystic fibrosis have an abnormal gene that leads to thick mucus secretions accumulating in the lungs and digestive tract. These excess fluids build up inside the body’s organs, including the nose, which can cause them to become enlarged and develop into nasal polyps.

Sinus infections are also a major cause of nasal polyp formation. Sinuses are small cavities located behind the eyes that help one breathe properly. When one gets a sinus infection, bacteria enters the sinuses through the nose or mouth. This bacterial invasion triggers an inflammatory response in the tissues near the sinuses, which may result in the development of nasopharyngeal or nasal polyps.

If one is sensitive to aspirin, one may be at an increased risk of developing nasal polyps. This is because aspirin can thin the mucus membranes in one’s nose and increase one’s susceptibility to infection. To reduce the risk of developing nasal polyps, try not to take aspirin regularly, especially if one has other medical conditions that could make one more susceptible to infection.

People with hay fever are often affected by seasonal allergies, which include asthma symptoms like wheezing and difficulty breathing during the pollen season. The allergic response in people with hay fever results in swelling of the sinuses (nasal polyp formation). To reduce the chances of developing nasal polyps from allergies, keep track of when pollen seasons occur throughout the year and take steps to prevent exposure as much as possible.

Diagnosis of nasal polyps
Nasal endoscopy is a procedure that uses a thin, lighted tube called an endoscope to view the inside of one’s nose. This procedure can diagnose nasal polyps, which are small growths in the nasal passages. Nasal endoscopy may also remove nasal polyps if they cause symptoms such as obstruction or discharge from the nose.

Imaging studies like CT scans and MRIs are often necessary before surgery. By understanding the extent and location of the nasal polyps, the doctor can decide whether surgery is necessary.

Treatment of nasal polyps
If one suspects a nasal polyp is due to an allergy, the doctor may recommend a series of allergy tests to confirm the diagnosis. These tests include blood testing and nasal endoscopy.

In some cases where it’s unclear if an individual has an allergic response, a blood test may be necessary to determine whether any underlying inflammation or infection is causing the polyp formation. This test is usually only recommended for people with severe symptoms who haven’t responded well to traditional allergy treatments.

Doctors may prescribe surgery if all else fails, and it’s still unclear if an individual has nasal polyps due to allergies or other factors. It’s either op

en surgery (where part of the septum is removed) or laser-assisted surgery (which uses heat and light energy to destroy tissue).

Management of nasal polyps
Apart from the treatment, one should practice self-care to manage nasal polyps.

Avoid exposure to smoke and dust: These substances contain toxins that can aggravate nasal polyps.

Use a humidifier: Humidifying the environment helps reduce inflammation and shrink enlarged nasopharyngeal glands.

Use nasal rinse: A saline solution applied regularly to the nose washes away bacteria, viruses, and other pollutants that may contribute to nasal congestion or infection.

Always practice good hygiene: Poor oral hygiene habits increase the risk of developing respiratory infections such as sinusitis.