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7 common early signs of Crohn’s disease

7 common early signs of Crohn’s disease

Crohn’s disease is an inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) in which a person’s digestive tract tissues undergo inflammation and swelling. While it affects several digestive areas, this disease commonly targets the small intestine. It causes severe pain and discomfort in the abdomen region. Healthcare experts can diagnose the condition by detecting some of its more prevalent symptoms. Thus, here are some of the common early signs of Crohn’s disease you must note. Diarrhea Crohn’s disease is characterized by frequent flare-ups. As specified earlier, this includes inflammation and swelling in the tissues of one’s digestive tract. As a result, the intestine walls cannot absorb any nutrients, causing the waste residue to pass through without much natural processing. Due to this and the swelling, an individual’s stools are also badly affected. A person’s motions become loose, watery, and sometimes entirely liquid because of Crohn’s frequent flare-ups. This is why people with this condition start experiencing diarrhea regularly, along with this health condition’s flare-ups. Abdominal pain Pain in the lower part of one’s tummy is not uncommon for those who suffer from Crohn’s disease. In fact, this is an early symptom that a person is living with this disorder. The above-mentioned inflammation and swelling in the intestines tend to put a lot of pressure in and around the abdomen areas and the organs that are placed there.