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7 gifts to avoid gifting for Christmas

7 gifts to avoid gifting for Christmas

With Christmas fast approaching, the season of gift-giving is nearing again. While shopping for loved ones can be an exciting experience that involves meticulousness and thoughtfulness, it is important to avoid items that are unsuitable as presents, as certain gifts can be considered inappropriate or simply not appreciated. Therefore, knowing what to avoid while planning for Christmas gifts is important. To simplify shopping, here’s a list of items to avoid as gifts this holiday season.

Cash envelopes
Some may think giving a cash envelope as a gift is exciting. However, for adults, it might not be the best Christmas present. This is because it can give the impression that no thought was put into the gift, which may offend the recipient. This is why it is always nice to receive a thoughtful gift, especially when the giver has tried to choose something the recipient likes. The gift doesn’t necessarily have to be expensive or extravagant, but it should have some meaning behind it. A gift card or certificate can also be a good option if one is unsure what to give. So, one must take some time to think about what would work best for the person they’re giving the gift to.

As the holiday season is nearing, giving souvenirs as gifts is common. However, some may find these souvenirs an inconsiderate gift option for Christmas. While it’s appreciated that the giver thought of the recipient while on holiday, a T-shirt with a picture of one of the Seven Wonders of the World may not be the best option for a Christmas present. Therefore, it’s better to save the souvenirs for another time and instead consider something more meaningful for Christmas.

Exercise gear
When giving gifts, exercise gear may not always be the best option. For one, it can be pricey, which may not be feasible for everyone. Additionally, it might send the wrong message, implying that the giver is not satisfied with the recipient’s current lifestyle choices. It can be embarrassing for the receiver and shows a lack of respect. While one may have good intentions, giving someone exercise gear can be a hit-or-miss idea. It might work if the recipient is already into fitness and has expressed a specific goal they are working towards. However, it might not be the best idea if they are not.

Anti-wrinkle cream
Like exercising gear, giving skincare products like anti-wrinkle or acne creams can be disrespectful. The intent may be to help someone with a skincare issue. However, this is a sensitive topic and, for many people, a vulnerability that they are uncomfortable sharing with others. Always be mindful of such gift ideas and avoid them at all costs. This gift will make them feel even more conscious of their looks and think of these as flaws and not part of the natural aging process.

Room freshener or deodorant
Everyone has their preference when it comes to fragrance. While some may like floral scents, others prefer more natural, woody scents. When giving someone a room freshener or an air freshener, it can easily be misconstrued as if one is pointing out that their home smells bad. It can be interpreted as rude and disrespectful, so it’s always best to be cautious when gifting these items. Gifting scented candles might still be okay as they may not have a strong enough scent to overpower other smells in the house. A mild, natural vanilla scent might be a good option. Similarly, deodorants are an unacceptable gift that should not be given for Christmas or at any other time. These are personal items that the recipient should have control over, and they might feel embarrassed when receiving them as a gift from someone else.

Although gifting someone a pet may seem like a kind gesture, it can come off as an irresponsible Christmas gift. While these furry creatures are undeniably adorable and lovable, they also come with many responsibilities that may not be suitable for everyone. Pets require significant time, love, care, attention, and financial planning by the family or the person who adopts them. Therefore, it is important to consider all these factors when gifting a pet this holiday season.

It is important to remember that certain gifts are inappropriate for Christmas and should not be mentioned or considered at all. Specifically, gifts considered “unmentionables” should never be given publicly, especially in front of family members or friends. Such presents are personal and intimate and should only be exchanged between partners on special occasions like Valentine’s Day or anniversaries. Receiving such a gift in front of others can be an embarrassing and uncomfortable experience and can easily offend someone. Therefore, choosing more appropriate and thoughtful gifts for loved ones during the holiday is advisable.

During Christmas, giving clothes as a gift is a common practice. However, it is essential to remember that people have different tastes in fashion. So, what one likes may not be the same as what someone else may like. Additionally, if there is any problem with the garment size, the recipient has to go through the hassle of exchanging it, which defeats the purpose of giving a joyful Christmas gift.