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7 essential steps to remember when selling a house

7 essential steps to remember when selling a house

Selling a house is a mammoth task, sometimes even more hectic than buying one. It involves listing the house, staging the living spaces, sharing pictures, calculating the asking price, and negotiating with potential buyers. A house is a valuable asset, and it can be difficult to have strangers in one’s home, inspecting every corner or pointing out flaws. However, keeping one’s emotions in check, staying organized, and streamlining steps can help simplify this process. 

Hire a real estate  agent
If one’s a first-time seller, don’t try navigating this territory without a qualified real estate agent. A good agent will help sellers set a fair and competitive price for their home, improve interactions with potential buyers, negotiate better, and handle any hiccups  along the way . Having an experienced professional to manage this process will also reduce the risk of delays or legal complications while selling.

Those who don’t want to work with a real estate agent must consider hiring a real estate attorney , at the very least,  to review the fine print during the transaction and the escrow process.

Don’t get too  emotional
Selling a home is an incredibly emotional  process , especially if it is one’s first buy. With the  amount of  time and effort that went into building it and the memories one created in the space, it’s almost an arduous task to think objectively about the space. However, these emotions must be kept far away from the selling process.

When starting the process, one must think of oneself as a salesperson or a businessperson instead of a homeowner. Consider the transaction purely from a financial perspective and make decisions accordingly. Instead of selling the property, think of staging the home as selling a story for prospective buyers.

Set a realistic  price
Many experts have claimed that overpriced homes generally don’t sell. Price-setting is key to ensuring a quick sale. Before deciding on an asking price, do a comparative market analysis.  This  will help homeowners determine a fair price for their home so they don’t feel like settling for too little. Don’t fret too much about setting the price low – it will generate a lot of interest among buyers, which will ultimately help drive up the bid amount.

Alternatively, one can also take the opposite approach and create room for negotiations. Here, the seller will list their home at an attractive price while leaving some breathing room for bargaining. Not only will this ensure that the seller receives their deserved share, but it will also leave the buyer feeling like they got a good deal for the home!

Take high-quality photos for  listings
Nowadays, many buyers prefer to search for listings online. It is important for sellers to have a good collection of high-quality photos for their listings. These photos can also help generate extra interest among buyers.  To capture the attention of buyers , it is recommended to take creative photos of the home in natural light that highlight the home’s best features. These photos will  provide buyers with  a brief insight into the home and help them connect better with the property. Additionally, including a video tour or a 360-degree view of the home can further impact online visibility and attract better bids.

Don’t conceal major repairs
Some homeowners  try to  conceal any issues or renovation work necessary on their property.  While this approach may work initially, it  won’t  be sustainable in the  long  run.  These problems will eventually become evident during inspection, potentially leading to lost sales. Fortunately, there are three simple ways to address this issue:

  • Fix the problem ahead of time
  • Put the home for sale at a cheaper price (accounting for the repair work)
  • List the property at a normal price and offer credit to the buyer to fix the issue

Prepare for the  sale
Staging a home means setting or preparing it for a professional buyer.  This  includes  tasks such as  redecorating, rearranging the furniture, cleaning up, fixing small issues such as broken appliances or accessories, and enhancing its appeal to prospective buyers. To ensure that everything is done properly, invite a friend, an agent, or an acquaintance to visit the home and ask them to point out any areas that may need work. Having an outsider perspective will help identify all issues so that the seller can address them effectively.

Sell at the right time of the  year
This  may sound odd, but  there is a right time to sell a home.  It is best to avoid selling homes during winter when people are preoccupied with festive activities and social engagements. The ideal time to list a house is when the weather starts getting warmer. This is when more people are out and about, which can result in more frequent and higher bids, helping one achieve their desired sale!

Apart from choosing the right time of sale,  it is also essential to ensure  that all the necessary paperwork is in order.  This includes the title deed, home insurance, and mandatory disclosures.  While finalizing the sale,  it is also important to vet  the buyer by asking for proof of funds or a pre-approval letter from a mortgage lender.   This  will  ensure that the seller’s interests are protected  during the sale transaction.