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6 lesser known veteran benefits

6 lesser known veteran benefits

Most veterans are aware of some of the benefits the Veterans Affairs (VA) department offers when they return to civilian life. But, some might not know the kind of benefits available to them. For instance, it is well known that if a veteran is injured while on duty, the VA takes care of the treatment and remedies needed. But there are more than just disability benefits provided to former service members of the country.

Aid and Attendance Program
Long-term care can be a big ask for anyone’s budget, especially if a family plans things paycheck to paycheck. The Aid and Attendance program is helpful for senior veterans who are struggling with long-term care bills. The money allocated under this program helps ensure that the veterans can take care of the high nursing home prices and other costs associated with assisted living. Veteran couples can expect to receive higher pay under the program as opposed to what surviving spouses receive annually. To qualify, the VA would check that the veteran does not have anything amounting to more than $80,000 in assets. This excludes the ownership of one home and one vehicle. For people who find the process complicated or confusing, some companies help with the VA’s Aid and Attendance program application. Alternatively, senior veterans can also check the Caregiver Support Program the Department of Veterans Affairs offers. The department can help navigate the various benefits veterans have.

Free tax preparation
Irrespective of the kind of profession one has, tax preparation is a complicated and tedious task. This is what makes tax season a dreaded time of the year. The stress levels of almost everyone are high, and the slightest mistake can cost them a lot. However, veterans do not necessarily have to worry about the ordeal. Veterans can have their tax preparations done for free with the Volunteer Income Tax Assistance Program. This doesn’t just mean that vets do not have to sit with calculators and documents for hours on end . They also do not have to worry about making any mistakes as the task is being handled by professionals who are well-versed in the process. The program employs experienced accountants to ensure that the taxes are being taken care of on time and correctly. They can take care of military-specific tax rules and check that no rule or specification is unchecked.

American Corporate Partners Program
Finding a job after completing service is one of the most challenging tasks for a veteran. The American Corporate Partners program is for such veterans to make employment easier for them. The program connects veterans with mentors who can assist them in finding and landing employment opportunities. The program works on finding the right connections and getting veterans in touch with them. In addition, mentors also help vets properly prepare for their interview. The mentors guide the vets to their best ability and help them land the job.

Hire friends and family for help
Several veterans receive help, assistance, or guidance from friends or family. In most scenarios, loved ones volunteer to help veterans get used to normal life. This particular benefit can also be availed by the family members of the veteran in question. Some qualifying veterans can avail of this benefit and pay these loved ones for the help and assistance they provide. The Veteran-Directed Care Program ensures that people dedicating their time to help vets with daily tasks are properly compensated for their time and work. The payment received under this program can be paid forward to the loved ones and ensures that the vets do not feel like they are burdening anyone.

VA foreclosure
Veteran benefits cover a wide spectrum of requirements. For example, if a vet is looking for a home, the VA foreclosure benefit can be of assistance to them. The VA maintains an extensive list of all the properties that have been financed with VA loans and foreclosed. Veterans who are looking to buy a home can go through this list and choose to buy any of the properties at a discounted price. They can also approach the VA for financing options since all the properties included in the list are eligible to receive financial backing from the VA. An added benefit of buying a VA foreclosed property is that veterans do not have to consider numerous financing options to buy their dream home.

Hearing aid services
Recent statistics by the VA show that about 3 million veterans are being provided benefits for hearing loss or tinnitus. With a substantial portion of veterans facing hearing loss or ringing of ears post-service, they must receive proper care and treatment. The Veterans Affairs and Rehabilitation program, which focuses on the American Legion, ensures that veterans get timely appointments without waiting for months and receive the required care. They can secure an appointment with the specialist without waiting in line and expecting the clinic to call back with confirmation. The VA insurance also covers the cost of hearing aids or other remedy in most cases. It is a highly coveted benefit as government-insured Medicare does not cover hearing aids and other similar remedies under the plan.