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6 early warning signs of the flu and tips to prevent them

6 early warning signs of the flu and tips to prevent them

For those experiencing a slight tickle in their throat, body aches, and a sudden fever, these are the first signs of the flu. Recognizing these early signs is crucial and helps prevent the spread of the virus. It is especially critical for younger children, older adults, pregnant women, or people with health conditions that may affect their respiratory and immune systems to seek immediate aid. Here are some other early warning signs and their prevention.

Early warning signs
Here are some of the early signs that one should be careful of.

Body aches
This is an early sign before the onset of the flu and is easily noticeable. When body chills accompany the body ache, it is likely a flu symptom. This body ache points to seasonal illness unless one may have gone for a recent workout that led to sore muscles. One way to manage this symptom is to keep the body warm using blankets and warm clothing.

Sore throat
Coughing, related to the flu, is also known to lead to a sore throat in which the virus affects the food pipe and causes inflammation. Other accompanying symptoms include scratching and irritation when swallowing food, so noticing these signs is essential. Gargling with salt water is recommended to help relieve the pain in the throat.

Gastrointestinal issues
Another set of symptoms includes stomach pain, vomiting, nausea, and diarrhea. Related complications with these symptoms, like dehydration, can cause further issues. Drinking more water and unsweetened drinks is recommended, as they help keep the body appropriately hydrated.

This is a common sign of getting the flu; typically, the body temperature is more than 100.4 degrees F. This is experienced in the early stage, but it is also noted that not everyone with the flu will experience a fever. Some people may only get symptoms, like body aches and chills, while the flu virus still runs in the system. There are treatment plans to help reduce the temperature and discomfort experienced in the body, but these treatments do not eliminate the virus.

While many things can trigger a cough, a persistent dry cough is a sure sign of an oncoming illness. In some cases, the cough can also cause wheezing, tightness in the chest, and coughing up phlegm or mucus.
Anyone with other respiratory issues, such as asthma or emphysema, should immediately speak to a doctor to help prevent further complications due to the virus. Other flu complications can include developing bronchitis or even pneumonia, which can be very severe.

Excess fatigue
There could be several reasons to feel fatigued during the day. However, when someone experiences extreme fatigue throughout the day, it could indicate the flu. Notice if other activities throughout the day could make one tired like this. The flu will likely worsen if no other factors affect this exhaustion.

Specific preventive measures can be taken to prevent the flu and manage its early symptoms. Here are a few:

Avoid public places and maintain social distancing
Maintaining a safe distance from others when in a crowded place or using public transport is highly recommended. Doing so can prevent close contact with potentially infected individuals and minimize the risk of contracting the virus. It is essential to understand that the virus is highly contagious and can enter the body quickly, affecting the immune system and causing health complications. Therefore, taking precautionary measures like social distancing can be a valuable strategy to stay safe and healthy.
Therefore, if one exhibits any initial signs of flu, avoid contact with others and remain at home until the symptoms subside. This approach helps prevent virus transmission from one individual to another, which can ensure the safety and well-being of those around us and reduce the spread of the flu.

Cover coughs and sneezes
Wearing a mask when traveling is an effective measure to prevent the spread of infections. When an infected person sneezes or coughs, tiny water droplets containing virus particles can quickly transfer to a healthy person and cause them to develop flu-like symptoms. Therefore, covering the mouth and nose with masks is crucial to prevent such transmission. This simple precaution can go a long way in keeping everyone safe and healthy.

Wash hands frequently with soap and water
It is important to practice safe and hygienic habits when washing hands. The 20-second rule of washing hands thoroughly is a good way to ensure the hands are clean. Germs can easily be transferred from one surface to another, even by touching an object. This can put one or others at risk of getting an infection. Therefore, it is essential to wash hands thoroughly to prevent the spread of germs.

Avoid touching eyes
It is important to avoid touching the face, especially the eyes, nose, and mouth. Keep a hand sanitizer nearby to disinfect the hands regularly to prevent the virus from entering the body through these areas.

Maintaining good hygiene is critical to preventing many illnesses, including the flu. Vaccines and shots are also encouraged during flu season, so one should consult their healthcare provider and not delay getting them.