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11 gifts to avoid giving to a loved one

11 gifts to avoid giving to a loved one

Selecting the perfect gift for a loved one requires careful consideration of their tastes, preferences, lifestyles, and occasions. Some gifts seem to fit almost all occasions, but others can dampen the mood because they are of the wrong size, don’t go with the recipient’s aesthetic, or are inappropriate. While the intention behind gift-giving is usually positive, not all presents may achieve that target. Here’s a list of gifts one should avoid when choosing something special for loved ones:

1. Gym membership
Gifting a gym membership may seem like a well-intentioned gesture, but it can inadvertently send the wrong message. It may imply that the recipient needs to work out, which can potentially cause awkwardness or self-consciousness. Fitness choices are highly personal, and assuming someone’s preferences or suggesting a change in their routine makes this a risky or even insensitive gift option.

2. Fitness equipment
Just like gym memberships, gifting fitness equipment like weightlifting sets, belts, apparel, and others may unintentionally communicate messages about body image or health. Gym-related items can be good gifting options if they are explicitly requested. Alternatively, one can opt for neutral fitness-related gifts like a gym bag or a yoga mattress in case the recipient is a gym or yoga enthusiast. But choosing gifts that celebrate their interests is important without referencing personal habits.

3. Cleaning supplies
Cleaning supplies like vacuum cleaners, mops, bucket sets, and others are designed to maintain a clean and organized living space. While these are practical tools and products that every household can use, they may not be the most suitable gifts for special occasions. These gifts may convey a message about the recipient’s cleanliness habits. Choose gifts that focus on relaxation or enjoyment rather than household chores to avoid misunderstandings.

4. Self-help books
Self-help books on finance, physical and mental health, productivity, and more are a beneficial addition to anyone’s life, but gifting them on a special occasion may suggest that the recipient needs improvement in some aspect of their lives. Alternatively, one may gift the recipient a book they have already read or own. It’s best to know the recipient’s interests or present a bookstore gift card that can give them the freedom to choose books of their choice to ensure that this one hits the mark

5. Anti-aging products
Aging is a natural part of one’s life, but special occasions are not an ideal time to remind people. Gifts related to aging, like anti-wrinkle creams, can be sensitive and imply that the recipient needs to focus on their appearance. So, it’s best to steer clear of them. Instead, opt for gifts that celebrate their uniqueness.

6. Overly practical items
Just like cleaning supplies, there are other practical items that every household needs. Some of them include kitchen utensils, storage containers, and toolkits. While these are incredibly useful, be cautious not to choose something too utilitarian. It may lack originality and sentimentality. It’s best to balance functionality with a gift that shows thoughtfulness.

7. Inappropriate items
It’s important to avoid gifts that may be offensive or inappropriate. Some of these may include innerwear, lingerie, or items of a personal and intimate nature. These items, when opened in front of family and friends, may lead to discomfort.

8. Clothing or fitness apparel
Clothing is a common gift item, but studies have shown it is also one of the most returned items after the holiday season. This gift is not one-size-fits-all. Choosing clothing items can be tricky, as they vary in taste and size. It is highly subjective, and what one may find fashionable, another may not, leading to the hassle of returns. Brands and style preferences may differ from one person to another. So it’s best to avoid them altogether. One can instead go for a more neutral yet thoughtful gifting option, like accessories or items that don’t require precise fitting, such as scarves, hats, or jewelry.

9. Pets
Pets are a delightful companion for some. But even if the recipient is an animal lover, one should avoid giving a pet as a surprise gift. Taking care of a pet is a huge responsibility and commitment. They require time, effort, and financial resources for proper care. So, assuming that the recipient is ready for this is a mistake that can lead to lifestyle disruption or financial burden. A pet should be a well-considered decision, so it’s best to avoid it unless discussed or explicitly requested.

10. Expensive gifts like luxury bags
Extravagant gifts like luxury bags or coats may seem appealing, but this gift has a few issues. The brand values of the gifted item may not align with the recipient’s taste. Additionally, the item may be of the wrong size, style, and shape and may be non-returnable, leading to disappointment. Moreover, it may put undue pressure on the recipient to reciprocate with a similarly extravagant gesture later. So, it’s best to avoid such expectation-driven exchanges.

11. Cash
Cash may seem like an easy choice, but it lacks any thoughtfulness. It can also imply indifference or a lack of effort, especially when gifting to adults. Instead of cash, one can give a gift card to a spa retreat or to the recipient’s favorite store to give it a personalized touch. One can also opt for the short-term financing “buy now, pay later” gift option for the recipient to ensure they get exactly what they want.