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10 foods that alleviate acid reflux in EoE patients

10 foods that alleviate acid reflux in EoE patients

Eosinophilic esophagitis (EoE) is an esophagus inflammation caused by specific white blood cells – the eosinophil. Those with this condition often experience acid reflux and its associated symptoms, such as chest pain, heartburn, and trouble swallowing. Experts usually recommend treatment options to manage acid reflux and EoE, but one might need to take additional steps to avoid frequent flares. One such step is to eat healthy foods that will help improve the individual’s lifestyle and condition.

The melon is one of the highest in water content, making it naturally beneficial to people with acid reflux. The composition of watermelon helps dilute the acid in the stomach and reduce the risk of reflux. Watermelons are also known for other healthy properties like antioxidants and vitamins, which may reduce the inflammatory levels in the esophagus and the stomach. Other fruits rich in water and other essential elements include cantaloupe and honeydew.

The fruit is known for its fiber-rich content and is also low in acid content. Bananas also have high potassium levels. Therefore, its composition is one of the healthiest choices to alleviate symptoms in people affected by acid reflux. The food works as a natural antacid that neutralizes the acidity levels in the stomach. One could eat bananas in place of a mid-meal snack or blend them with other healthy ingredients to create a delicious smoothie. It can also be enjoyed in a fruit bowl or with other breakfast foods. In either case, bananas should help manage the symptoms of acid reflux and eosinophilic esophagitis.

The spice has ancient implementations in various healthcare remedies. One could try ginger to manage the symptoms of eosinophilic esophagitis or acid reflux. It is a natural anti-inflammatory food that can be used in several forms. Ginger helps lower inflammation in the esophagus and the rest of the body. The spice also helps reduce any digestive trouble one may have. Experts indicate that ginger may also help manage symptoms of acid reflux, including nausea and vomiting. It can also be added to meals, tea, desserts, and other refreshing beverages to work as a natural remedy for conditions like acid reflux, which may otherwise trigger EoE and its associated symptoms.

Turmeric is another spice that is used in several remedies. It is an anti-inflammatory food that may help reduce inflammatory levels in the esophagus and the stomach. The healing effects of turmeric come from curcumin, an active compound that reduces the symptoms of acid reflux. One could use turmeric in a powdered form while cooking meals or take it as a supplement after consultation with a healthcare professional to help manage symptoms of acid reflux and EoE.

Green leafy vegetables like kale are one of the top choices to manage the symptoms of excessive acid in the stomach. The food is rich in antioxidants and helps reduce the body’s inflammatory levels. These green leafy vegetables could be consumed raw or after cooking individually or with other healthy vegetables for one to enjoy their benefits. Just like kale, one could also introduce other leafy greens to their meal plan, such as spinach and collards, for their health benefits.

Below are some other foods that might help with conditions like acid reflux or EoE. However, some individuals might be allergic to these options, which may lead to unprecedented side effects. Therefore, one must speak to their healthcare expert before including them in their meal regime.

Nuts like almonds could help manage the symptoms of acid reflux because they are alkaline in nature. Such foods have a higher pH, so they could help offset strong stomach acid. Therefore, consuming a handful of almonds daily may help neutralize stomach acid, which is beneficial for those affected by EoE or acid reflux. Apart from this, these nuts also contain monounsaturated fatty acids and omega-3 fatty acids known to prevent heartburn, a common symptom of acid reflux.

This breakfast option is one of the top choices for people who wish to follow a meal plan low on the acidic index. Oatmeal is rich in fibers that help promote cardiovascular health and stabilize blood sugar. Its higher fiber content may also help absorb stomach acid and manage the symptoms of acid reflux, such as heartburn. While oatmeal is good for people with this complication, they should avoid mixing it with other foods high in acid, such as cranberries, blueberries, and strawberries.

Nonfat milk is another useful choice for those who require temporary relief from the symptoms of acid reflux, such as heartburn. It could serve as a temporary buffer between the stomach lining and acidic stomach contents to provide immediate relief from heartburn symptoms. Another healthy dairy option is low-fat yogurt, which has soothing properties similar to that of nonfat milk. These healthy dairy products also help introduce probiotics to the body, which helps improve digestion.

Fish like salmon might be helpful for people who experience frequent acid reflux. The seafood is rich in proteins and fibers while maintaining a low cholesterol profile, making it feasible for people who require a low-acid meal option. However, when preparing salmon, individuals must avoid heavy seasoning or spices as these usually increase the risk of EoE and acid reflux symptoms, such as heartburn.

Brown rice
One may benefit from eating brown rice if affected by acid reflux. The food is a complex carbohydrate, which means it takes longer to digest in comparison to simple carbs like pastries, sugary drinks, or rice. The slower digestion is better for reflux. Moreover, the additional fibers in brown rice are also useful for managing one’s digestive health.